Ticket: Circle Of Light Online 28th January 2023


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Circle Of Light Online with Stephen Turoff

Saturday 28th January 2023 @1pm UK London GMT

It is an opportunity to bask in the radiant Celestial Light that emanates from the Master Of Light. We have  received a lot of feedback from previous participants of this powerful and purifying online gathering.

This one hour silent meditative group sitting will begin to work on your subtle body and assist in the removal of karmic debris.

We are proud to announce Stephen Turoff’s Circle Of Light Online for the start of the year 2023!

Saturday 28th January 2023 @1pm UK London GMT


It is an opportunity to bask in the radiant Celestial Light that emanates from the Master Of Light. We have  received a lot of feedback from previous participants of this powerful and purifying online gathering.

Since March 2021 this online event has been taking place to help evolve individuals from all over the world. It has been an online group gathering with people from all walks of life from over eighteen different countries.

This one hour silent meditative group sitting will begin to work on your subtle body and assist in the removal of karmic debris.

Each Circle Of Light Online is unique as it seems to penetrate deeper into the individual and assist in the removal of karmic impressions. These karmic seed impressions are still waiting to out-birth themselves, as described by Stephen.

Yet through the process of the Circle Of Light Online they are burnt away and many reduced in intensity. Due to the power of Divine Grace we are being healed in ways we cannot even begin to imagine.

The process of spiritual evolution is being quickened  for us through divine intervention.

I call the Circle Of Light process, ‘The Quickening’ –  Stephen Turoff

It will be your own self-effort coupled with Grace that allows the space for the Divine to blossom within you. The continued attendance to the Circle Of Light Online will help stoke the fire of self effort and your receptivity to Grace.

You have the opportunity to allow the process of spiritual upliftment and spiritual evolution to flower within you. If you have already attended any previous Circle Of Light Online events, we strongly urge you to register.

This will assist your Spiritual Growth and Soul elevation, with the help of an Enlightened Master.

It is no coincidence you are on the spiritual path and have the support of a Spiritual Master.



Please note you will receive the Zoom link invitation email, the evening before the online event.

You will need to sit still in silence for the entire one hour duration of this online event.

Please ensure you MIC is tuned off when participating over the Zoom portal online!


You will need to have access to the Zoom portal online or have  downloaded it to your preferred device in order to participate in this unique online event.